Saturday, July 10, 2010

Bronson Pelletier at the Indianapolis Twilight Convention

July 9, 2010

At approximately 4:45 right after my photo op with Boo Boo, Bronson walked right by me. He was so close. I was so shocked to see him walking right by me that all I could do was wave. He saw me waving at him and smiled and said, “hey. How are you?” I started to explain to grandma who that was but she could figure out it was by how excited I was but I was interrupted when some guy in a suit said to me, ” I am sorry but you can’t have any photos or autographs.” I was a little put off by his rudeness so I said, “That is fine I am excited just excited he walked by me and said hello.”

I walked into the Photo Op room and he said hello. I hugged him for the pic. After the pic was taken, we had to stay there so they could take another. After the picture was done, Bronson said bye to me.

I almost didn’t get my Bronson autograph that day. I was waiting for my row to be called when my name was called. I couldn’t figure out why my name was being called. The hotel security said there was some damage to my car because someone had hit it and drove away. He said he was there to take me out front to see the car. By the time we got there, the police were there. After they got all the info they needed they told me to wait in the lobby for the arresting officer. I told grandma to tell them I would be right back. I went to the theater to tell them what happened. I was in tears and I told a lady that worked there that I was going to miss my autograph with Bronson because I had to wait for the cops since my car was involved with a hit and run. She brought me to the front of the line so I could get my autograph she told them I was having an emergency. She asked for my name and I started to spell it but she couldn’t hear me so Bronson said, “I have an idea.” He handed me a piece of paper and a marker. My hand was shaking so hard I couldn’t write. I said, “sorry.” Bronson said it was okay. I told him how someone hit my car and drove off. Bronson wrote “To Christin. The glass is half full.” on my picture of him I had picked out.

Bronson sang Baby Got Back during Karaoke. There were some really good singers. I left shortly after Bronson left. I was so tired. I went to the lobby to go on Twitter. I was sitting in a chair right by the front doors when I look up and see Bronson walking in. I smile and say hello and he says hello back and walks into the bar and sits at a table with fans. I was so tired so I went to bed. I didn’t ask for a pic because of what happened earlier.

Q & A – Bronson

Bronson said real men don’t sparkle and the crowd went nuts.

Bronson confirmed that @sonofbrown is his twitter. After that, his phone went off in his pocket and he smiles and goes, “Oh I just got tweeted!” A girl in the audience holds her hand up.

Bronson said his favorite animal was a cougar and the crowd went nuts. He corrected himself and said, “the animal.”

From Twilight Lexicon:

Everytime someone sends him a message on twitter he says “- just got tweeted again!” So everyone tweet @sonofbrown NOW! LOL

Ok, now I feel badly! Hes going crazy from all the tweets! LOL @twi_tour @sonofbrown

He does not get creeped out by all the women who swoon over him. @sonofbrown says he LUVS it! Of course!

Says he loves the conventions. Fans show dedication and he shows his appreciation. @twi_tour @sonofbrown

Bronson is 5’10″ for anyone keeping stats. @twi_tour @sonofbrown

Hugs to @LakyshaLove who was stunned when @sonofbrown knew she missed him in Atlanta! So sweet!

They actually did cyber scans of the actors to make them into wolves. And they used their real eyes for the wolves. @twi_tour @sonofbrown

His fav TV show is Avatar: the last airbender. He likes the end with the fire lord. @twi_tour @sonofbrown

If @sonofbrown could make a soundtrack to his life itd be I like big butts and I cannot lie!

His fav 80′s movie is the Goonies. @sonofbrown

Saturday July 10, 2010

When I walk into the room for the Wolf Pack photo op, Bronson goes, “Hey!” I walk over to him and pat him on the chest or something. I am a dork. I must have been nervous. The only time I see him at the ball is when he was walking around talking to fans. He didn’t come up to me so though. The only time he talked to me was when he asked where the girl next to me went. I told him she went to the dance floor. He said he would see me later.

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